Memory Beads
When my Grandmother passed, I saved a flower from her casket wanting to do something unique with it and I came across this type of bead work. With her love for the church and rosary’s, having one made with the dried flower from her funeral was perfect! I have it draped on a teddy bear on my headboard so I see it every night before I go to bed and I also have 3 Auto Keepsakes hanging from my rear view mirror honoring Grandparents that my family has lost over the years.
With my passion to help others and creating Unique Memories, my goal is to share my talent in hopes to help ease the loss of loved ones for others or to simply help make memories for a Lifetime from a special occasion.
Special memories are truly always in our hearts. Sometimes it's just nice to have a memento.
Are you looking for something Unique? That perfect gift that truly means something?
"It's about the little things in life"
I’d be honored to create something for you to share or cherish yourself.
All items are handcrafted with care and compassion.
Generally, 1 full rose or the equivalent will make 1 rosary, about 60 beads.

Flowers transplanted from my Grandma's home

Flowers Just Because

Red roses, depending on how they dry and if they are touched, depends on the color they will dry. (these are both red roses)